
Acupuncture is an ancient Asian healing therapy developed more than 3,000 years ago with roots in many traditions, one being Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). These treatments stimulate specific meridians, often thought of as energy pathways correlating with the lymphatic and circulatory systems, that exist throughout the body.

Acupuncture is effective for a wide range of ailments. Scientists have observed that acupuncture can cause a physiological response in brain activity, hormone levels, blood pressure, immune system function and central nervous system function, all of which help the body to return to its innate state of balance. 

Herbal medicine

Herbal Medicine has been used globally for thousands of years to treat colds and sore throats, pain and inflammation, stress, insomnia, migraines, digestive issues, injuries, energy levels, fertility, hormone imbalances and many mystery illnesses that are plaguing modern humankind.

TCM specifically uses 4,000 herbs to customize herbal formulas to treat not only the branch, but the root - getting at not just the symptoms but the cause of the symptoms. Chinese herbal medicine, along with herbs and botanicals from around the world, are considered in your treatment approach.


For every condition being treated, there are optimal foods and approaches. Your treatment may include a personalized diet or tips & tricks for how to achieve your health and wellness goals.

Supplemental support is discussed as well. Feel free to bring in a list of what you are already taking.

Lifestyle changes

Many patients wish to go over their routines, habits and approaches to life. What works for some individuals may not work for others. A holistic approach based on the latest scientific research, natural medicine and your intuition come together to help prevent disease from setting in, while reversing any current issues and patterns that may be causing illness or health concerns in order to optimize health and help you achieve your goals.

other services

Supplemental Support – Supplements, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients can be helpful or harmful, depending on your biochemistry, digestion, medications you may be taking and health history. Feel free to bring in a list of what you are already taking. 

Cupping – Along with acupuncture, cupping is one of the many bodywork techniques used in Asian and European medicine. Mostly used for clearing inflammation, excess heat and toxins, this technique can also release muscles and relieve pain.

Meditation – Another ancient practice of the world, meditation can be very helpful for some individuals. Meditation guidance, education and tips & tricks can help shift one's health journey, and serve as an additional tool in ones personal tool basket.

Moxibustion – Along with acupuncture, Moxibustion is another bodywork technique used in TCM, using the plant Artemesius Vulgaris to warm the channels.

Facial Rejuvenation - Keep skin looking healthy, clear and firm with these cosmetic acupuncture treatments. Many women and men are choosing to use injections, botox & fillers to keep looking young & healthy, but there is an alternative that actually helps your skin (and you) get healthier while also addressing the signs of aging through stimulating collagen production and reducing fine lines & wrinkles, decreasing inflammation, clearing toxins & the lymphatic system, smoothing & evening the complexion, increasing circulation & elasticity, and working on both an internal and external level.

Long distance wellness 

If you are unable to travel to the Los Angeles area for care, we offer Long Distance Wellness Coaching, as well as Long Distance Fertility Coaching, for couples or individuals trying to conceive. Just call or email for details and we will be happy to support you on your path to wellness to accomplish your health goals, no matter where you live.